Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Joe Plumber opens up on John McCain, Rod Blago arrested, BUT!

'Piping' is the tight, African-American-typical term, for having sexual intercourse, penis in vagina.

Don't you forget it. This also means DOINKING, BONKING, SHAGGING, even SPOOGING, so watch out you possible cream-pies, you could catch flies and get knocked up, if you try this at home.

Negroes are actually smarter than they appear in the mirror, or YOU would be getting off the bench, whitey. If you are one of those Naval Reservists who reads this one fine Sunday morning, why then! How in the world are the Blues supposed to pay for all that swell jet-x, etc., without us working on holidays?

Wed.12/10/2008, Joe Plumber dissed McCainia. Governor Blagojevich of Illinois is for review, over his fuming at Rahmy RATTFINK, haha. Rahmy may have triggered a media land-mine, for the new President and his Attorney General nominee, Eric Holder. Corruption of the sort here named is much, MUCH more evident, in Barack Obama and his past, than it is, in Governor Rodney, who isn't getting enough respect, for the amount of dark knight media, he embodies.

Governor Rod Blagojevich cannot possibly match the corruption, of Barack Obama's fumble, of hundreds of offices and measures, into the Republican hopper, by his astonishing, plain BALK, at correcting the energy costs before pitching or allowing a pitch, for now-tainted bailouts and hearings.

Samuel J. Wurzelbacher partly vindicated himself, and this will fade, unless he testifies against Senator John McCain, whom 'Joe the Plumber' may choose to severally condemn, righteously. John McCain is to be severally condemned, but the press is late! Obama is McCain's co-conspirator, at 'robbing us of our wealth,' yet also conspiring to promote an illegal environment, for this unfair business, which aggravated is grounds for several investigations, including for relief from the union.

John McCain USED 'Joe' to push Republican agendas and raves, past Senator Obama's despicably late condemnation of the deregulated energy deals, which he admitted are 'robbing our wealth,' but omitted how they are AGGRAVATED, for dire relief, directed to stop seditious transactions, illegally spawned, while no agenda by US Attorney Patrick Fitzgerald recovers the hundreds of offices and agendas, Rahm Emanuel's new boss Barry let slide by, when he waited until Debate III, to note energy costs, but Barry SHUT UP, to derail recovery of neutral issues and voters, by 11/4.

Why in the world would Barack Obama fear this issue? BECAUSE UNBELIEVABLY ANAL RAHM EMANUEL WON'T NOTICE JEWS ARE FROM ETHIOPIA, in order to justify an Israel with deeply diluted Jews, as the master race, the preferred Israeli citizens. Israel happens to be in Palestine.

Ethiopia is far, far away, from Palestine. So get smarter, if not all the way smart, here. OK?

Obama can lose his way, in this, and start in on Governor Blagojevich, which he has done, claiming under the circumstances, Rod Blago can only perform his job with the utmost difficulty. Also, he is yet another vague, conceptual threat, to the false security of the desperately neurotic, deeply tainted, always cross-contaminating Obama campaign, which disabled my Obama 08 account, way back in 2007, when I tried to advance reporting of the energy inflation as a vital issue.

Mr. Obama is some kind of turd, in his own punchbowl, more than a month before he is to swear in!mc

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